We are located in Kampala-Uganda                   

"Blanket them from the Cold"


There are centers that emerged out of the emergencies and turmoil of the COVID-19 crisis 2020. We created these centers during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis as many street children were lost, confused, unattended too and this is because many programs by different organizations closed and could hardly sustain their programs of the day and sheltering.

“We started these centers in garages, stores, abandoned wooden rooms of our friends as the number of children was alarmingly beyond what we had thought to have, the numbers kept increasing and couldn’t be controlled as every day new kids joining seeking refuge of where to stay and sleep through these times we had to rent singled spaced rooms to divide these children up basing on the need, addiction, age and the level of change”. Many of the rescued children at our shelters currently came through the hide out centers and they are doing remarkably well and continue to transform every single day".

After rescuing the children from the streets, the hide out centers are the first paths they go through so as to identify what their challenges are, where they are from and collect more information on how best to help them start the transitional process. Each improvement enables us to move the child to a different hide out until they are in the middle phrase of transformation up to the shelter.The challenging factor is many children have grown up on streets and yet the number of new ones continues to be alarmingly increasing as well. This creates a block in choosing who goes to the hide out centers first and where to best place them as well.

At the moment we are running three hide out centers two of which are for the street boys and one is for the women. There is a very thin line between the challenges that continue to require/ need and the demand from the communities where many of the street children hide and seek refuge during the day so as to avoid the police from raiding them.


These hide out centers are temporary and we often move them from one place to another as society continues in some environments continues to limit our works due to the strong negative statements they hold towards the street children. Hide out centres are often changed and temperary as it depends on the need and the number of children that need to be resettled and worked on,as per day and night outreach programs.